from £10.00

Join me from the comfort of your own home for an hour of Yin and Seasonal reflections.

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This class is themed around the season of Summer and it’s energetic qualities. Summer is the most Yang season. It represents outward energy, expansion, movement, and activity which is wonderful, but can also be exhausting! It’s often a time of burnout for many, both physically and energetically. This class is all about balancing the busyness of this period with an opportunity to pause, recalibrate and recenter.

Yin yoga is a still and cooling style of yoga where we hold each pose for up to around 5 minutes. The stillness within the practice of Yin yoga offers a meditative quality & within this, time to turn the attention toward our inner world.

I’ll be offering some seasonal prompts to ponder within the stillness, inviting you to make connection between the cyclical nature of the natural world around you & within yourself 🌸 

All you need for this practice is some space, lots of cushions and blankets and perhaps a book or block or two. 

This class is part of my summer series of seasonal self care classes. You can join this class and The Power of Touch Gua Sha edition for £15.