
polly mossman



Please note I have just relocated to Wales and I am now on maternity leave. I will be opening a studio space on the Gower sometime next year so please check back then. In the meantime I have lots of lovely self practice workshops for you to enjoy here.

Love, Polly x


Understandably, the first thing that comes to mind when you think of getting a facial is that it’s a beauty treatment focused on the face. But, I know it’s so much more than that!

As someone who has experienced cystic adult acne, I deeply understand that treating the skin goes so much deeper than simply the products we use.

My treatments are designed to nurture the skin, body and mind in equal measure.

You see, I don’t believe you can treat the skin without taking in to consideration what’s going on with the rest of the body, I see your skin and your body as a whole.

Your skin is unique & so your treatment should be too! I’ll work with you to get to the root cause of what’s going on for you and your skin, so we can create a tailored treatment plan to take care of your skin from the inside-out.

I create a deeply supportive, nurturing and non-judgmental environment for anyone experiencing difficulties with their skin or those who simply want to come and rebalance with a deeply restful treatment.

What to expect:

After an in-depth consultation, I’ll create a bespoke treatment that can include:

Specially selected skin barrier supporting products for your skin. (A deep cleanse, exfoliation, mask, serum, hydrator & SPF are all included).

Non invasive techniques such as Gua sha, LED light therapy, facial cupping and facial acupressure.

Lots of deliciously relaxing massage including advanced facial massage techniques and intra oral massage. Treatments also include chest, shoulder, neck, head and foot massage to release tension, aid lymphatic drainage and soothe your nervous system.

Personal follow up advice for your skin that may include: product advice & selection, stress support, educational information on the skin, suggested lifestyle changes, nervous system support, home practices, treatment plans.

See below for availability

My Skin Story

Experiencing cystic acne in my twenties has enabled me to learn first hand what it means and takes to heal skin in a holistic way. It helped me develop such a strong sense of self compassion for myself and I know that that compassion and empathy for how our skin can make us feel makes me able to support my clients on an even deeper level.

You can read about my skin journey here.

“I highly recommend Polly for a facial - she has such a nurturing touch! I have always thought massage must be more relaxing and beneficial than a facial but I can honestly say this was the most relaxing treatment I’ve ever experienced. To top of all off, my skin was positively glowing after I left. I noticed such a big difference”. - Amy

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