
polly mossman



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What is meditation?

Meditation offers us an opportunity to step out of ‘doing’ and into ‘being’.

It teaches us to be more at ease with ever changing and uncertain situations while gaining a healthy sense of perspective.

Meditation isn’t about turning off thoughts or feelings, it is about learning to observe them. We use anchors, such as the breath, as a place to rest and focus our attention. When the mind wanders (which naturally it will!), we’re learning how to come back to the anchor again (and again and again) with kindness, compassion and without judgement.

Learning to meditate is like learning any new skill: it takes time and practice and can feel hard and frustrating at times. I’m here to guide you in a gentle and supportive environment to keep you returning to your practice.

CLICK HERE to try a short 12 min meditation focused on the breath.


What I offer…

I’m a 100HR certified meditation teacher, offering a warm and welcoming space to explore your whole present experience,

Meditation isn’t about becoming a ‘better’ or ‘different’ person. I welcome you to meet yourself exactly as you are, get curious about the workings of your mind and to meet whatever arises with a kind attention.

My meditation practice has helped me develop a strong sense of curiosity, compassion and self acceptance. I’d love to hold space for you to explore this too!

My next online course starts in early 2023. This is for anyone who is new to the practice of meditation and would like to learn in a welcoming and supportive environment. Click here to find out more.

I also offer online and in person mindfulness sessions for your workplace. Find out more here.

& maybe the best present
is to be present
— Cleo Wade
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