1. Support the skin barrier.

A healthy skin barrier = healthy skin. If you’re experiencing anything from dry skin to acne to rosacea, it’s likely your skin barrier is a little compromised. This year, let’s champion our magical skin barrier and support it by using a gentle cleanser, not over exfoliating, being selective about active ingredients (such as retinol and acids), moisturising with a simple moisturiser and by wearing SPF every. damn. day.

*remember: believe it or not, the skin is already doing everything we need it to do! It exfoliates, moisturises and regenerates itself - we can absolutely support it in these processes- but don’t feel you have to overdo it. Here is your permission slip to do less :-)

2. Not following ‘trends’.

I’m sick to death of naff and expensive (and in my opinion pointless) skin care ranges by the most unlikely celebs that do nothing but damage our beloved skin barrier (and bank balance!). Same goes for influencers who are banging on about dream products that they love using on their already perfect skin that they were sent for free in exchange for a shout out.

*top tip! My advice is to follow smaller, trusted brands who understand the skin and have YOU and skin health at the centre of their brand and formulating. I LOVE brands like Nini Organics, Olixa and Palm of Feronia.

3. Nervous system regulation.

The nervous system and skin health are intrinsically linked. When our bodies are in ‘fight’ or ‘flight’ mode, it won’t be prioritising skin healing. It’s why I know that facials provide so much more than a deep cleanse and a head massage. The more we can prioritise rest, deep breaths and stillness, the more we can reduce inflammation and encourage our bodies into rest - digest, where both healing and restoring can happen.

*top tip! The power of touch is incredibly soothing for our nervous systems. Skin care can transform into self care when we slow down and take our time to apply our products with intention. I have a couple of recorded workshops available to purchase if you’d love some guidance with facial massage or keep an eye out for monthly classes!

4. Less products.

You know, in order for beauty brands to continue to bring out ‘new and exciting’ products packed with ‘game changing’ ingredients, they need to also keep finding problems for us to want to ‘fix’ and therefore NEED these products. It’s a cruel cycle that begins with us feeling crap about ourselves and in turn means we’re using way too many products, often at detriment to our skin.

*Top tip! Keep your skin routine minimal and consistent. Choose products that you love to use and listen to your skins feedback. Remember, your skin cell turnover (the time it take for fresh cells to regenerate) is at least 1 month, so don’t expect miracles over night. Before buying a new product, ask yourself what’s driving the purchase? Is it because you need it or because beauty branding has you feeling that you’re lacking?

5. More acceptance.

As someone who has experienced cystic acne and spent a very long time HATING everything about my skin and my appearance, I’ve made a pact with myself to just stop. Stop finding the smallest flaws, stop feeling that I need to fix or change or improve all the time and stop comparison to impossible beauty standards. It’s exhausting. I’m committing to practicing acceptance when it comes to my skin, I hope you can too!

A reminder* Spots, wrinkles, smile lines, pores, facial hairs, texture, discolouration, freckles, moles and redness are normal. The more we can remind ourselves that ‘perfect’ skin does not exist, the more likely we are to find acceptance within our own skin.