Guiding you to slow~down & tend to your body, mind & skin.

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Hey, Iā€™m Polly.

A yoga facilitator, meditation guide & holistic facial therapist based in East London.

Iā€™m a huge advocate for taking time out to recharge with practices that invite us to live a little more mindfully.

Whether you come to my yoga classes, practice my meditations, read my newsletters or come to see me for a facial, I hope I can provide the space for you to slow~down and reconnect in which ever capacity you need.

I hope these practices will serve as an invitation to step away from the busyness of life, offer a space for you to settle and meet yourself exactly as you are.

ā€œYou are worth the quiet moment, you are worth the deeper breath, you are worth the time it takes to slow down, be still and restā€
— Morgan Harper Nichols

My weekly newsletter

Ideas, inspiration and practices for presence: